10%SHIFT in 2022 = 350 Million $'s circulating in our Local Economy helping create 2,500 jobs, every year!!!

On Nevada Business: A salute to the people who have helped build Reno’s business environment
by Matt Westfield February 3, 2023
There has been such a tremendous momentum shift in the local startup arena in the last 20 years. Economic development agencies like the Economic Development Authority of Western Nevada (EDAWN) in Reno and Northern Nevada Development Authority (NNDA) in Carson City are charged with helping startups, bringing businesses to the area and nurturing them when they get here. The chambers of commerce organize small businesses, with some political activism sprinkled in. By all counts, these organizations and other government agencies have done a phenomenal job of attracting companies here, from over the hill and elsewhere. I have personally worked with these groups while building an award-winning nonprofit, founded in 2011 and wholly dedicated to startup and founder mentoring (BizAssembly.org).
I moved here in ’99 to help build a dotcom. A few of us saw a huge gap in support for startups and founders, so we began dedicating ourselves (under the radar) to helping founders get started and get through the tough times. No one knows what a founder goes through—except another founder. So we’ve been bringing founders together to collaborate and solve each other’s problems for more than a decade. We’ve helped create and mentor some very well-known startups in Nevada and are prepping to assist many more in 2023 and beyond.
Much of the growth of the Reno startup community, and its newfound reputation as a startup hub, are due to several people and organizations that have gone unheralded and relatively under the radar, like BizAssembly.org. The folks mentioned here are representative of many who have served the Reno/Tahoe entrepreneurial success story, and we applaud the many others who have helped build this unique and awesome ecosystem in Nevada over the last 20 years.
Buy Nevada First founder Dave Asher has been a huge catalyst over these last 15 years, by sponsoring and leading the small retail business community, and getting locals to honor the “Buy Nevada” mantra.